Power Generation Sites
Investment Portfolios
240 MW
Clean electricity generated
The renewable energy sector has become more commercially viable due to the Renewable Energy Act 2011.
In October 2013, G Capital Berhad completed a fifty-one percent (51%) equity stake of acquisition in Perak Hydro Renewable Energy Corporation Sdn Bhd (PHREC). PHREC has been mandated by the Perak state government to be the master developer and overall coordinator of the development of mini-hydro plants in the state. Such action has enabled GCAP to be the leader in the small-hydropower renewable energy sector in Malaysia based on the exclusive rights PHREC held with the Perak state government.
“PHREC is given the right to act on all mini-hydro projects in Perak with a total of 31 sites now in operation and the estimated combined installed capacity of 240 MW.”

Perak Largest RE Consortium
Our mini hydropower plants are located in the silver state of Perak. Due to the size of the state and proximity to both KL in the south and Penang in the north, it is the ideal location for generating and supplying electricity. Another factor Perak was the ideal spot for the constructions of such dams are the number of streams and rivers which are suitable for such activities. While other states might too possess equally favourable features, its distance to major cities plays a factor in the construction of energy supplying infrastructure.

Sustainability Compliance
By FY 2019/2020, with the number of mini hydropower plants owned, GCAP expects 50,000 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide to be averted from entering the atmosphere.
GCAP ensures that its mini hydropower plants preserve the ecosystem by ensuring the construction work complies with the local and international legal frame to protect the lives and livelihood of our rainforest.